“don’t be…”

For Roto-Rooter

Don’t Be Afraid

Don’t Be Nervous

Client: Roto-Rooter

Agency: Curiosity

Production Studio: Storyocity

Director: Cody James Timmerman, Storyocity

Producer: Michaela Miller, Storyocity

Executive Producer: David Klingerman, Storyocity

Executive Producer: Garret Ollish, Storyocity

Editorial: Storyocity

In a world… where action and horror flicks dominate the big screen, we were tasked to bring a little taste of those genres to the small screen. But in order to keep it light and fresh, the creative called for a different approach - one in the form of “parody”.

As our resident film aficionado, CJT was the perfect choice to bring this vision to life. Taking inspiration from more modern takes on the genres, from The Conjuring to the James Bond franchise, each mini-film was given it’s own specific look and energy to match.

Here at Storyocity, we say that we are “forever in love with art and cinema” - and holy moly was this a fun way of expressing that sentiment.


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